
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Cocoa lip balm with lanolin

Yesterday I tried a new recipe for a cocoa-lanolin lip balm. As I am pretty happy with the outcome I'd like to share this recipe with you. It's as easy as any lip balm, thought it does require a few less common ingredients such as macademia nut oil and lanolin. If you have trouble finding these products I recommend you try (see bottom of page). You should always remember to buy very high grade lanolin as other wise it may have an unpleasant smell. I get mine from a trusted local small producer so I know it is of good quality. 


3 tablespoons organic beeswax
6 tablespoons coconut oil
1 1/2 tablespoon lanolin
1 1/2 tablespoon cocoa butter
1 tablespoon organic honey
1 tablespoon macademia nut oil
10 drops vitamin E oil
several drops of vanilla and sweet orange essential oils


What you need is a double boiler (I use a jar placed inside a pan with hot water) and several lip balm containers. Mix all the ingredients, but the vitamin E oil and essential oils, and melt until well blended together under a mild heat. Below is an image of the ingredients partially melted and mixed together. 

Once all the ingredients are well combined take the jar out of the water and let it cool for a few minutes. Next add the vitamin E and essential oils and mix. Carefully pour into your prepared lip balm containers. 

Now it's time to test your chocolate tasting, great moisturizing new lip balm!

Where to buy the ingredients:

Macademia nut oil can be found here: 
Lanolin can be found here: 

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